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The Addiction Research


About us

About us

The services of the addiction clinic at the Vienna General Hospital and the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy of the Medical University focus on research, therapy and clinical treatment of patients from Vienna and the neighbouring regions.

Research and teaching

As a part of the Medical University of Vienna, the medical and psychological team is dedicated to research and teaching in addition to treating hundreds of patients with substance and non-substance addictions. The addiction clinic is in co-operation with the wards and special departments of the hospital.

Events 2009


  • World Psychiatric Association, International Congress, Treatment in Psychiatry: a new update, Florenz, 1-4 April 2009

  • AATOD, American Association for the Treat of Opioid Dependence, Inc., National Conference, April 25 – 29, 2009, Hilton, New York, Submission Deadline June 27, 2008

  • 2nd International Congress of ADHD to take place in Vienna, Austria from 21-24 Mai in 2009

  • “WPA Regional Meeting”, Beijing, China, September 1-5, 2010, Chinese Society of

  • “XV World Congress of Psychiatry”, Buenos Aires, Argentina, August or September 2011
    ORGANIZER: a) Argentina Association of Psychiatrist (AAP), b) Association of Argentinean Psychiatrists, (APSA), c) Foundation for Interdisciplinary, Investigation of Communication (FINTECO)

Past Events

Brain Awareness Week
10. - 14.03.2008, Center for Brain-Studies at the Medical University in Vienna
Topic: Sucht: von Essen, Trinken, … bis hin zum Spielen (Addiction: to Eating, Drinking... up to Gambling)
Lecturer: Prof. G. Fischer
  • Mo, 10.03.08 10:15-11:45
  • Mi, 13.03.08 10:15-11:45

Project "University meets Public"
3 Lectures on the Topic "Doping - Die Sucht nach Erfolg" ("Doping - The Addiction to Success")
Lecturers: Prof. G.Fischer, B.Winklbaur, E.Jung
  • Do, 3.4.2008 18.00-19.30 VHS Brigittenau
  • Di, 22.04.08 19:00-20:30 VHS Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus
  • Mi, 30.04.08 18:30-20:00 VHS Floridsdorf

Children's University 2008
Workshops for Children (age 10-12) on the topic:
„Kann ein Kind schon süchtig sein?“ ("Can a child already become addicted?")
Lecturers: Prof. G. Fischer, B.Winklbaur, M.Zanki
Place: Hösaalzentrum AKH, Wien
  • 08.07.08 von 10.00-11.00 Uhr

Viennese Science-Days 2008
We will organize an "Addiction-Parcour".
  • 11. - 12. October 2008, Rathausplatz

University Meets Public WS 2008
Lecture at 3 Adult education centers
"Hamburger, Gras und Grüner Veltliner- Wie süchtig sind wir?" (Hamburger, Grass, Wine - how addicted are we?)
- G. Fischer & B. Winklbaur
  • Volksbildungshaus Urania (01., Uraniastr. 1): Mi, 12.11.2008, 19.00-20.30
  • Volkshochschule Alsergrund (09., Galileig. 8): Mi, 10.12.2008, 19.00-20.30
  • Volkshochschule Ottakring/Zweigst. Hernals (17., Rötzerg. 15): Mi, 21.01.2009, 19.30-21.00

Past Congresses

  • 21st ECNP Congress, 30 August – 3 September 2008, Barcelona, Spain, ECNP Neuropsychopharmacology Award: nominations 15 January 2008,
    Papers for Poster presentations: submissions 31 march 2008
  • 3rd National Conference on Women, Addiction and Recovery: Inspiring Leadership, Changing Lives, September 15-17, 2008, Tampa, Florida.
    The deadline for workshop proposal submission is March 31, 2008.
  • WPA Prague, Sept 20-25 2008,
    Deadline for abstracts : Dec 17, 2007
  • 51st ICAA Conference on Dependencies, Limassol, Zypern, 2. bis 7. November 2008
    Abstract Submission Deadline: 30. Sept. 2008
  • EPA 17th European Congress of Psychiatry, January 24-28, 2009, Lisbon, Portugal
    EPA Call for Symposia Deadline: May 12, 2008

Top scientists in Vienna

The 3rd Conference of the European Association of Addiction Therapy (EAAT) took place from September 10th to September 12th, 2007, in the Palais Ferstl, Vienna.
The conference will offered presentations, workshops and poster presentations by top researchers from all over the world as part of the program. Furthermore, it was a great opportunity to get in contact and network with national and international scientists.

The CPDD International Committee

The CPDD International Committee (Chair: Gabriele Fischer) organized a workshop on the topic of "Pregnancy & Addiction" that took place at the Hilton Hotel in Quebec on June 18, 2007.

To the presentations:

WHO/NIDA/CPDD International Traveling Fellowship Award

The World Health Organization (WHO), National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) and the College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD) sponsor WHO/NIDA/CPDD International Traveling Fellowship Awards for scientists from developing countries working in the field of addiction.

WHO/NIDA/CPDD travel award 2008: Deadline for application: January 15, 2008

counter easy hit

The European Association of Addiction Therapy Conference WHO/NIDA/CPDD International Traveling Fellowship Award