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Topic: Substance dependence

Hallucinogens (LSD)

These substances can be applied as tablets, capsules or even in a liquid form, which is put on small pieces of thin paper. Even very low doses can lead to massive effects. All of these substances cause optical hallucinations and changes in the consumer´s perseption. The person’s abilities are significantly reduced under the influence of hallucinogens.

The dangers of hallucinogen consumption are mainly psychological. For example, “horror trips” resemble psychosis with extreme states of anxiety or paranoid delusions. These symptoms can remain for weeks or months without a direct connection to the substance intake (“flash backs”).


A verbal “talk down” and substance abstinence is usually enough for most patients. Antipsycotics and benzodiazepines are used for some individuals to reduce the symptoms of the acute hallucinogen intoxication.

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