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Topic: Substance dependence


Ecstasy is mainly consumed on parties and raves since the early 1980-ies. Especially adolescents abuse this substance and it is statistically proven that ecstasy is the most misused substance within this population group.

Frequent misuse of this synthetic drug can lead to massive damages, which are comparable to Parkinson symptoms. After discontinuation of drug misuse, some of the ecstasy effects can disappear, but the appearance of symptoms, like visual hallucinations which occur without drug-misuse (“flashbacks”), is possible for a longer period of time. After continuous consumption of ecstasy, some misusers report massive problems in recovering their appetite. Furthermore paranoia, psychotic episodes as well as personality disorders can be observed.

It is very dangerous to consume very high doses of ecstasy as well as mixtures like combinations with caffeine, LSD or strychnine because intake of these substances can lead to massive intoxications.

counter easy hit


Ecstasy leads to serotonin release and to inhibition of serotonin reuptake. Effects can be observed about 15 to 30 minutes after intake, and they last up to 4 hours. After repeated misuse temporary tolerance can occur because of empty serotonin depots.

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